4th Annual Crafters' Yard Sale

Saturday, June 14, 2025, 10:00am - 01:00pm

Yard Sale Banner

This event has been moved from March 22 to June 14th.


This event is for Surplus Crafting Materials - This is NOT a craft fair for finished handiwork, but you are welcome to include finished projects at clear-out or discounted prices if you like.  Shoppers will be primarily looking to buy your gently used and surplus crafting materials at rock-bottom prices. 

Vendor registration NOW OPEN:
  • one 6 foot table and two chairs  $15
  • two 6 foot tables and two chairs  $25

yard sale 1    yard sale 2

Doors open to vendors at 9AM for load in - you must be ready to go at 10AM when doors open to the public!  You are responsible to load in and set up your own space.  Bring your own table coverings, signage, cash box, bags, boxes, etc. 

You or your designated representative must remain at your table and in control of your goods at all times - we will not be providing security or monitoring of any kind, and will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.

You must keep your tables and products set up for sale until 1PM when we close the doors to the public.  NO EARLY PACKING UP!  

This is an open event for ALL types of surplus crafting supplies - please if you are going to represent yourself as a demonstrator or seller from a particular brand, follow their guidelines and rules for representing your brand at this mixed event.

Come shop for crafting supplies of all kinds - open, partial, surplus, retired and gently used crafting materials of all kinds. Bargains, deals and treasures to be found for sure! Event open to everyone who likes to craft in any way.

Doors open to the public from 10AM to 1PM. No Admission Fee

Plenty of onsite parking - Wheelchair Accessible. First Baptist Church of Hammonds Plains 1839 Hammonds Plains Road - directly across from Hatfield Farms.

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if you are filling in this form on your phone - rotate sideways to see all the fields.

When you complete this registration form, a confirmation email with payment instructions will be immediately sent to the email address you provide in the form.  If you do not see this email, check your spam and junk folders carefully - IT WILL BE THERE SOMEWHERE!  It is important to "fix" any spam or junk issues you experience by adding our emails to your safe-sender list so that you receive further reminders and or last minute updates about our events.  We cannot control your email settings or where the messages end up - we can only send the messages to your provided email.

Register For This Event

Number attending this event: 4
Manual E-Transfer from bank